Red Honey

Story idea.

Paranormal romance (Yeah, really.  Gotta break in somehow.)

A woman has special blood that makes her irresistible to vampires, especially a knight errant from the 14th century.

The woman is not necessarily drop-dead, OMG beautiful, but she is pretty when she sets her mind to it.  The vampire looks a lot like Thor but with dark hair.

Point of view…I’m tempted, for a change of pace, to do it from both of their points of view.  I’m afraid of running into “Too Stupid To Live”.  Have them each write a separate section, and how it changes is how it’s titled?  Each chapter changes POV?  Each scene changes POV?  I don’t want to write it from the girl’s POV in first person – so overdone.  Third person omniscient limited between each character?

Opening line:

Well, I guess even hot men need to get their clothes washed, she thought.

Name?  Suddenly the name Paige came up, but I don’t like that name for the connotations – (the muse says, “Get over it!”)  Okay, okay, Paige.  The vamp’s name is Bruce Aquitaine, (Bruce of Aquitaine).  Last name for the girl…Mason.  Paige Mason.

Paige has a doting father, and maybe two brothers who are always rambunctious.  One is a weight lifter or a strong man or someone who always likes to perform feats of strength.  They call him Bull.  Her mother divorced her dad and is living out of state.

Where will this take place?  Providence?  I’m familiar enough with the area.  Or Attleboro…I could change the name to something else, like Northboro and Southboro.  Middleboro?  Close enough to Providence or Boston.

Now what does she (or they) do for a living?  She, maybe, is a copy editor for a small press and is writing a novel on the side?  Nah.  She works in an office, though.  An insurance adjustor?  Worker’s Compensation drone?  High stress and have to deal with customers as well as bosses – ooh, customer service for a bank.  Customer service manager for a local bank.  Call bank manager.  Something like that.

Her boss is a little eccentric, like Burt from Mad Men.  He collects artwork and dabbles in artistic photography, and has plenty of pictures on his wall of things he’d taken and things that are in a local gallery.  “They’re all for sale,” he says to the person who first walks into his office.  “Just make an offer.”

He is a third-shift security guard for a precious metals company, so he gets to carry a gun.  He has a permit to carry, he also has access to a semi-local (20 minute drive) 24 hour range.  His “Renfield” is his roomie, Kyle <something>, who works at the precious metal company during the daytime.  They own a duplex, and Bruce sleeps in a locked-up cellar.  If someone tries to break in, the door will lock behind them, locking them in.

Bruce does not drink from a person until dead, but at least until woozy.  (except if they’re in his lair, then they’re fair game) It takes two people for him to feel “full”.  Sometimes he will drink from Kyle.

Vampires wouldn’t be able to tell Paige’s special blood until they drank from her.

Next, an outline?

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