Maximinius made sure that the will was in order. He had been at the game far too long in this time period, having built up his business from nothing in the ’30’s.
I should be eighty by now. He didn’t look a day over thirty five.
He knew he hadn’t changed, and it was starting to get noticed. The “he looks just like his grandfather” line would have to be abandoned.
Where would he go now? He had a few ideas, none of them in America. He thought about Chile, or Peru, or maybe even South Africa. Some place he could go and disappear among – or away from – the population.
“Mr. Snow? Are you ready?” came the buzz over his intercom.
He sighed, leaving the will in the top drawer where they would find it easily. The boat would be ready tonight. He had a few more meetings to attend to before he left.
“Yes, June, I’m almost ready.”