After putting the children to bed, Knight went down the hall to Mike and Scott’s apartment. He knocked on the door and waited.
Mike opened the door. “Oh, hello–urk!”
Knight grabbed Mike by the shirt and dragged him out into the hallway. Mike recovered by sending up a wall of purple fire between them. Knight let Mike go. Mike staggered back. “What the hell?”
“Like your new tail?” Knight said, baring his teeth and barely keeping himself from shifting into the half-leopard form.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Greenfire. Tag. Whatever his fuckin’ name is.”
The wall of fire faded. Mike stood near the door to the apartment. “I’m not fucking him.”
“Oh, that’s right. You’re the one getting fucked.”
Mike narrowed his eyes. “What’s it to you?”
“You’re gonna fuckin’ hurt Scott.”
“Hurt Scott? HURT SCOTT?” Mike drew himself to his full height. “Let me tell you something, you blockhead. I love him, to the depth of my soul. Even after he slept with my own enemy. Often. More often than was needed.”
Knight hesitated.
“How would it feel if your mortal enemy was fucking Mal on a regular basis?”
Knight merely glared, remembering the scene in the dream world, where Gabriel and Mal were mating and Knight heard their plans. That scene had gotten into his mind, and it worried at him. Was Mal not happy? Did he want fame, fortune, money, and glory? Was Knight an albatross around Mal’s neck, and now, with the kids, was it worse?
Mike had turned from him and put a hand on the door handle. “So don’t lecture me.”
“You’re gettin’ back at him?”
“No, numbskull. I’m trying to stop this guy from going after Scott, in any way, shape or form.” Mike turned and got in Knight’s face. “Because if he wants to do anything with Scott, he’s going to have to go through me.”
“He ain’ goin’ t’ kill him. I made him swear.”
“Kill him? I know he’s not going to kill him. I mean sleep with him.”
“You’re kiddin’, right? Who’d want to sleep wi’ themselves?”
“if he wants the Grimaulkin he had before, then he’s going to want Scott.”
“Mike, that’s fucked up.”
“That’s why I’m doing this. Letting him fuck me instead of Scott. And in the meantime, I’ll have some ammunition if I hear about him going after anyone else I love.” Mike stepped away. “That includes you.”
Knight stood there, his mouth open, as Mike threw open the door and walked back into his apartment.