Perry Morse opened the door to his apartment, and screamed like a little girl.
“Hello, Perry,” said a voice that had a touch of a growl to it. “Don’t mind if I come in.”
“What…what…Don’t kill me!”
The black wolf padded inside and kicked the door shut. He examined the room, then rose up on two legs. He was easily taller than Morse, who let out a squeak.
“I’m not going to kill you, if you give me what I want.”
“What…what do you want?”
The wolf grinned. “Some toys.”
“I need a mace. Oh, and one of those cloaking devices.”
“A mace? You think they give those out like flags?”
The wolf got close enough so that its breath was in Perry’s face. “Your throat looks mighty tasty.”
“It’s against regulation!”
“Not my problem.” The wolf licked his snout.
“Okay, okay! Ohmigod, just take mine!” He pointed to a steel-colored mace on the table.
“Now, Perry, the cloaking device.”
“God, Pierce is gonna kill me,” he said, going to his cape and pulling off a brooch.
“Reset it.”
“You want it all, don’t you?” He rummaged in a drawer, pulled out a paper clip, unfolded one side and stuck the end into a small hole on the brooch. “Here.” He thrust the brooch at the wolf.
The wolf pierced the brooch into his skin, taking a deep breath. The DNA reset itself in the brooch, and then the wolf tapped the brooch, wincing. He disappeared. He picked up the mace, which also disappeared. “Be seeing you, Perry. Tell Lucy I might be saying hello.”
“She’ll know, you know.”
“I bet she will.” The door opened of its own accord and closed soon after.
Perry fell into his easy chair. He would have to tell his unit commander that Davies went all wolf. That meant they would probably hunt him down.
After what he did to Donna, he didn’t want to be on that operation.