Dramatis Personae, of a sort

I’m getting close to the 300 posts mark, and realized that I just drop shit in here and expect you all to follow along.  Here are some ongoing characters that you will find in these pages, er, screens.

Grimaulkin (aka Mike, Grim) – Character on City of Heroes (CoH), played by me.
My favorite, and near and dear to my heart, so most of the stories are about him.  He’s a gay mage, and not afraid of showing his orientation or his magical skills.  He is typically afraid of hubris and offending the gods, is a bit of a sociopath, has manic-depression (more manic than depression), and has no filter whatsoever.  His boyfriends are:

Angry Emerald (aka Scott, Emerald) – Character on CoH, played by another.
I always get a little antsy putting words in another character’s mouth that’s not played by me.  Scott I think I have down.  He often comes out with pearls of wisdom that blow Grim’s mind.

Kael Marduk (aka Kael, The Fallen) – Character on CoH, played by another.
This guy I have a hard time putting words in his mouth.  He’s so much more mature than Grim, so much more put together.  I always have characters with a blatant weakness; and this guy, although he has them, hides them well, and I can’t capture that.  I don’t write him up that much because of that, though Sonnenrad was written with his help (thanks Taosin).

Bomber (aka Bruce Bombardier, also Bruce D’Aquitaine) – Character on CoH, played by me.
Bomber is based on my husband (God rest him), in the sense that he’s a biker, he’s a gentle soul for the most part, and prefers to protect people rather than beat them up – though he could come across with the “don’t fuck with me aura” on command.  Things that Bomber is that my husband was not is bisexual or a vampire.  Bomber was turned in a hurry by someone who pretty much left him out to dry, and a dhampir picked him up to train him in the ways of the Camarilla.  Oh, yes, he’s an “old World of Darkness” type of vampire, Brujah clan.
For my romance, I resurrected him (bad pun) and gave him the name of D’Aquitaine.  I stripped all the World of Darkness reference from him.

Casey Blackfox (aka Casey Donovan, Casey) – Character that predates CoH, though I play him in there also.
I’ve had Casey around since I was 15, when I wrote my first novel, set in Tennessee or Kentucky or some where around there during the American Civil War.  Of course it was godawful.  It filled three stenographer’s books, front and back pages, in cramped, teenage writing.  I still have it.  I still read it over sometimes to see how far I’ve come, and to amaze myself that I wrote that well in spots.
Casey’s entire backstory is on virtueverse.com (search his name) and it’s pretty accurate there, to the best of my research.  Casey shows up in many of my novels as a character I always go back to, sort of like a comfort.  In these stories, however, he has a boyfriend named…

Terrible Grinn (aka Grinn, Cedric) – Character on CoH, played by another.
Cedric thinks Casey is just hot.  Hot in every way.  From the way he speaks another language, to the way he plays an instrument, to the way he prays.  Casey is just damn hot to Cedric.  There’s more than just that to their pairing.  Cedric is a constant punner and comic, while Casey is often more serious and brooding.  Even at 15, I liked the Byronic heroes.

Casey prays to Soniac (played by me), who I named as the Algonquin Earth Goddess (when, according to the actual myths, it’s “Sky Woman”), and Hino, the thunder god (two versions, played by me).  According to the myths, Hino wasn’t as distant as I portray him.  I think, though, that Hino is probably jaded because he has no real worshippers anymore.

Other characters were short-lived, having once hit 50 in CoH I no longer role play.  I role play Bomber in memory of my husband, and Grim because he’s just that damn fun.

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