
“This is outrageous!”

Bomber stood impassively at the door.  The man wore a Victorian cape, top hat and even carrying a cane, was pale, but his face had an angry countenance.

“I need to stay in business, Aaron.”

“Five hundred dollars a month?  That’s insane.”

“It was going to be a thousand, but I talked my owner away from that.”

He hmphed, and went into his pocket, taking out money with a moneyclip.  He peeled off some money, and ended up handing over everything.  “Here, it’s all I have.”


“I plan to be here every night to get my money’s worth.”

“Anyone in particular?”

“Anyone new?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.”  He pointed to a red-haired girl on the dance floor, dancing all by herself.  “That’s Amber.”

“I hope she likes Victorians,” Aaron said, and strode away toward her.

Why do I feel like a pimp? Bomber thought.

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