Writing prompt.

Middles:  Use a random quote in the middle of a piece.  400 words.
Becuase I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die – Amilia Burr.

She took the stake from the drawer and stared at it intently.  He was there, haunting her dreams.

Julie Benchtley had left Steel Canyon for Buenos Ares two months ago to stay with her uncle and find work there.  She had been part of the Bitten, a small group of goth kids involved in The Rack, a bar.  When she left, the owner of the Rack, a huge, handsome, sexy man who called himself Bomber, gave her one last session of amazing lovemaking, and sent her on her way.

She tried to have a boyfriend here, in the city, but none of them compared to him.  Now he was haunting her dreams.  She had to go back.  She knew what he was; he had told her.  If he did this to her, how many others did he do this to?  Would they never be released from his hold?

So she called him, asked him to meet her at her hotel room.  He knocked on her door – she put the stake under the pillow.  She answered it.

“Bomber!” she threw her arms around him and kissed him.  He kissed her back.

“Julie, I thought you left – ” But she was literally tearing his clothes off.  He laughed and let her, while her own robe parted showing her nakedness beneath.  “Julie, I–”

She turned and pushed him toward the bed.  “I’ve missed you, so long…”

“Jesus, Julie, you were never like this–”  He was pushed onto the bed.  She climbed on him, coaxing him to life.  “Damn, you’re seriously horny.”

“I want you,” she said, and slipped him inside her.  She rode him, enjoying it at first, and leaned forward to dip her hand under the pillow.  She grabbed a hold of the stake and pulled it out, raising it above her head.

He grabbed her by her torso, with strength she didn’t know he had, and physically lifted her off of him, tossing her effortlessly to the side.  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“You have loved life, you shall have no sorrow to die,” she said, and went at him.  She was no where near as strong as him, and he easily knocked her hand away, knocking it so hard that the stake went skittering across the room.

(to be continued)


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