This is the High Priestess of Shango in Ouidah – Benin. she presides over any ceremony when Shango is invoked. She is considered to have a special relationship with the god. Any who would attend a Shango ceremony must first be screened by the priestess to determine whether they are worthy to witness the embodiment of the god in a priest or priestess. the High Priestess consults kola nuts and reads the signs. If the signs are favorable, the visitor may stay and witness the ceremony. It is thought that the kola nuts are one of the mediums of communication between the gods and priests.
Kapeni kept a hand on my shoulder, I don’t know whether to stop me from running or to keep me standing. The room we were shown in had four or five people, and they all looked at me, the only white guy in the room.
Kapeni pushed on my shoulder and I sat cross-legged like all the rest of them. Then, a beaded curtain parted, and two drummers came in, taking seats to the left of a small dais. Then, a woman came in, and, of course, she looked right at me.
“You are not white, boy,” the woman yelled at me, pointing at me. “Show us your true color.”
Kapeni let me go, and I stood up. I undid my belt and removed it. It felt strange to take off the belt, to not hear the room gasp at me.
The woman nodded and said, “You pass.”
I sat down, and Kapeni whispered to me, “I told you so.”
The woman passed her hand over the other five men and asked each, “What do you want?” Most said virility and strength. She came back around to Kapeni and me. “What do you want?” she asked Kapeni.
“To stand up to people who wrong me.”
She turned to me. “You have a spirit riding you. What do you want with more?”
“His power. I want to know power.”
“You have that.” She paused, and looked back at me. “Be careful what you wish for.”
Then she sat down and had a hefty drink of wine in a glass. She cut up an apple and offered it to each of us, taking one bite and spitting it out. We all did the same. I understood this to be an offering to the god.
Then she waved to and fro, whispering and muttering something. I tried to follow, to catch the spell, but it wasn’t the words she was saying, it was the movements. The drummers began to beat, she kept on moving. I found myself swaying, and slowly getting to my feet. The other men followed, a little confused.
But I felt it. I felt that power right in that room, centered on the woman. I said the spell to see Magical sight in Latin, but didn’t even finish it, when I saw him.
Red-skinned and wide eyes of fire, he held a fire sword. He looked upon me, he looked right at me. I was rooted to the spot.
“You want the lightning?” He held the fire sword out to me. “Take it.”
I walked forward and put my hand around the fire blade – and I had touched a live wire. I remember feeling it course through me – more than any slow-moving ley line. More than energy generated from me and Bennett, or an entire coven – the power of a god, a real, living god was in my hands, and I was going to take it, and hold onto it.
I don’t remember screaming but someone says I did. I don’t remember tearing off my shirt but someone said I did. I don’t remember looking at all the men as if they were all worms. I don’t remember what I said to them, but what I said wasn’t pretty and I know wasn’t in my own voice. I do remember power. Gods, the power.
Then, it shut off like someone turned a spigot. I collapsed, falling like a crumpled doll. I heard laughter somewhere in the distance, a woman’s – and then it was cut off abruptly. I turned over and looked up at the ceiling.
“Truck…hit…me…” Then I blanked out.
Words: 609 (not including introduction)
Just a scene for the next Grim book.