“Yes, sir.”
“Your life may be in danger.”
“Scott has told me he will destroy you to get to the relics.”
“Wh–why would he do that?”
“It’s what he told me.”
“Phil, you must find a way to have him be hurt, or even killed. His pleasant exterior hides a very ruthless creature.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, but who’s going to stop his husband from coming after me if something happens to him?”
“Don’t worry about his husband. He’s an old-fashioned mage with typical ordinary spells that you can easily deflect. Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet?”
“No, sir, that’s not it at all.”
“Nothing, sir.”
“Make sure he gets hurt. I want to see that in my next report.”
“Yes, sir.”
Phil hung up the phone. Someone was lying.