The Assistant

Reynard looked up as the door to his office opened, and Phillip, his newest head of security came strolling in.  “Well,” said Reynard, “how goes the hunt?”

Phil shrugged.  “The Circle mage is in the city.  Or Vibora.  We’ve had sightings in both places.”

“Canada’s too cold, and the desert is too hot.  He’d go where there’s plenty of places to hide magic.  By the way, we have an assistant.”

Phil raised an eyebrow.  “Oh?”

“Scott Angrier.  The Emerald Mage.”

“The boytoy?  You mean he’s an actual wizard?”

Reynard looked up at him from lidded eyes.  “Trust me, he is.  And I have a feeling he did some harm to me, because his healing was good.  Too good.”

“I see.”

Reynard sat back.  “I’m sure you do, Phil.  Work with him.  Bring him to Vibora.”  Reynard made a tent of his fingers, resting his chin on them.  “And if he gets hurt, well…those are the breaks of being a wizard, right?”

“Indeed,” said Phil.  “I’ll make contact with him as soon as I can.”  He turned to the door.

“Oh, and Phil?”


Reynard smiled.  “Work him hard and play him harder.”

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