Post 300!

Dressed in his Arachnos-surplus tank top, running shorts and shoes, Byron stepped out of the cave in the early morning hours.  He loved to run at sunrise, both as a human and as wolf.  These were the times he practiced changing, trying to change on the fly, but, so far, always falling as he ran.

The pain had gone away now, but what his problem now was perception.  First he would be standing up, then he would be lower to the ground and things were more intense.  It was like going from a Mack truck to a VW Beetle.  Perceptions changed, fast, and he wasn’t used to it, stumbling for a bit in the middle of the run.

He jogged out toward the waterfall, and broke out into a ground-eating run.  He jogged down the hills around trees, through woods, keeping his breath at an even pace.  He enjoyed the smells of the woods, the sound of the birds and animals, the unevenness of the terrain at his feet.

He paused, taking a drink of water from a pool nearby, and started to undress.  He tucked his clothes in a set of branches, and then started out into a run again.  This always felt strange, running naked in the woods.  He imagined himself as the wolf, running through the woods, going after a rabbit or some prey –

He was half wolf when he bent over, his hands on the ground, and he lost his footing.  He stumbled, the front half of his body not fully formed and stopping short; the lower half of his body still going.  He went tail over head, and smacked his back into a tree.

He moaned, stuck in that half-wolf, half-man form.  He concentrated through the pain to become the wolf again, and it didn’t take long for him to assume that form.  The pain was an ache, and he got up, shaking himself aware.  “Next time, try it in a field,” he muttered to himself.

He ran through the woods in that form, at a lope, at a full-tilt run, chasing birds, or playing.  In this form he felt free.

He went back to the cache of clothes, changing back into a man, and retrieved his items.  After getting dressed, he headed back to the waterfall and the cave.

There he saw Luciano.  Luciano was performing what looked to him like some sort of karate, the same moves over and over.   Byron wasn’t hiding, but didn’t want the wolf to think he was.  He came out from a canopy of trees and waved hello.  “Hello, Byron,” Luciano said, finishing his movements and coming to a stop.  He turned around to face Byron.

“Was that karate?”

“Judo,” he said, picking up a towel and wiping his face.  He was dressed similarly to Byron – a tank top and knee-high pants, barefoot.  “Have you eaten?”

“No, I usually go out for breakfast.”

“It seems I have a full larder in the guest house.  I would be honored if you join me for breakfast.”

Byron nodded.  “Sure, but let me change.”

“You don’t have to,” Luciano said, putting the towel around his neck.

“I just came back from a run.”

Luciano shrugged.  “I will meet you in the guest house in fifteen minutes.”

Byron didn’t know there was a guest house, but went back to the cave.  He washed himself briskly in the hot springs there and put on some casual clothes.  He left a note as he always did for Gev.  “Breakfast with Luciano then heading out for trouble.  Ti amo.”

He got his weapons and headed to the new building.  Inside there was the guest house.  Byron could smell food on the wind.  He knocked on the door.  “Enter,” came a voice, and Byron stepped inside.  The man was in a t-shirt and jeans, unlike the suit that he had been in when he first met.  Byron relaxed a bit.  “Come, sit.  Bacon and eggs all right?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

Luciano turned to the stove.  “So tell me about yourself, Byron.”

“I was in Arachnos for just over a year before I got bitten by some big wolf who changed me into what I am today.”

“Mmmhmm, and before that?”

“I was in school.  I was a Philosophy major.”

“You were going to be a lawyer?”

“No, it was the only thing that interested me.  I only took three semesters before I quit there to go to Arachnos.”

“Why the sudden change?”  Luciano set a plate of eggs and bacon before Byron, and then poured him a cup of coffee.

Byron sighed.  “My mother and sister were captured by Lost.  I wanted to try and find them.”

Luciano sat, “I am very sorry to hear that.”

“I had some leads, but they went no where.  I’m still looking, but it’s more passive.  I don’t want to make waves with the Lost, especially if I’m with the pack.  I don’t want to drag them into my problems.”

“That is what the pack is for, Byron, to help you with your problems.”  He ate some of the eggs, “All you need do is ask.”

“I’m too new here.”

Luciano nodded, “Yes, you are.”

Byron ate some of the eggs.  They were light and fluffy, and the bacon was crispy.  “Why are you really here?”

Luciano looked up at Byron.  “The pack in Rome is in a bit of disorder because of our Alpha’s choice of mate.”

“I figured that part out,” Byron said.

“I came to see for myself.”

Byron put his utensils down.  “Ask me anything.  I have nothing to hide.”

“I know this,” Luciano said, also putting his utensils down  “I know you love my Alpha.  But we do not know you, do you understand?”

Byron nodded slowly.  “Yes, I understand.”

Luciano leaned over and patted Byron’s arm.  “Do not be upset, Byron.  You do not know the family.”  He picked up his utensils again.  “I’m here help you to get to know us.”

Byron stared at him.  “How do you know I’m upset?”

“I sense these things sometimes,” he said.  “I am not always right.”  He ate a bit more, then motioned to the ring.  “He gave you that?”

Byron nodded.  “I gave him the bracers.  I believe in utility over decoration.”

Luciano chuckled.  “We may get along just fine, Byron.”

Byron finished up his meal and drank his coffee.  “What can I do to prove to you that I love him?”

“You already have.  I see how he is with you.  I see how you are with him.  Some of our more paranoid members believe you will manipulate him to do things.”

“I’m not like that,” Byron said, scowling.

“I do not believe you are.  But then, others can manipulate you.”

Byron crossed his arms.  “I’m not that stupid.”

“You are young.  You are a pup.  You do not know all the ways of the world yet, Byron.”

“I’m 25, and I didn’t get to be a squad commander in a year by sitting on my ass.”

Luciano raised his hands in surrender.  “Byron, do not shoot the messenger.  I am only pointing out these things.”

Byron got up.  “Thanks for the meal, Luciano.”

Luciano was only half-out of his seat as Byron stormed out.

(Byron, played by me; Luciano, played by me.  RPing with myself is like playing Monopoly alone…)

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