When in Rome… (1)

Byron took a deep breath of the sea air.  All the windows of the villa were open, letting in the cool sea breeze.  He was shirtless and barefoot, something he had never been in the Arachnos forts.  This was not Arachnos.

This was home.

He scented rather than heard Gev come into the room.  He didn’t turn around from the window he looked out of.  Gev came up from behind, and wrapped his muscular arms around the young pup.  He planted a kiss on Byron’s neck.  “How are you, love?”

“Like I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

Gev chuckled, and turned the young man around, then planted a slow, deep kiss onto his lips.  Byron sighed, and leaned into the older man.  He pulled back from the kiss and rested his head on Gev’s chest.  “I’m so glad you found me,” Byron said, not for the first time.

Gev ran his hand through Byron’s hair lovingly.  “I am glad I took that vacation,” said Gev.  He pulled back, and lifted Byron’s face.  “Would you like to come with me to the village for breakfast?”

“Is it far?”

“Not as the wolf runs.”

Byron nodded.

“You will need to bring some clothes with you, Byron,” Gev said, and picked up a canvas bag.  “Pack a shirt, shoes, and some jeans.  We are very informal here.”  He had a twinkle in his eye.

“Goin’ commando,” Byron said, and turned to leave.

“Get your things and change here, in front of me.”

Byron nodded, packing a plain indigo t-shirt, black jeans, and his work boots.  He returned to the kitchen to see Gev had already shifted into his wolf form.  Byron inhaled his scent – intoxicating.

Byron tied off and set down the bag.  He closed his eyes.  He imagined the strong wolf, charcoal black with a grey tip to the tail and snout, all muscles and fur and sinew.  He felt himself change, but couldn’t watch himself – heard bones break and knew that even as they did break, they would re-heal, and he would be without pain very soon.  In time, he was a full wolf.

It wasn’t like when Gev helped him, because then it seemed fluid, like water, like he belonged in both his wolf and human skin, that it was natural and seamless.  There was probably some resistance on his part which caused the pain.

He looked up at Gev, who was much bigger, muscular than he was.  Compared to him, he was indeed a pup.

<Pick up your bag.> he said as a wolf, and Byron could understand him.

<You didn’t speak to me.>

<It is the bond, love.>

Byron laughed.  “Wow.”

Gev smiled.  “Indeed.  Now pick it up.”  Byron did, and Gev got them out the door.  The servants in the villa didn’t think anything of seeing two wolves go running out down the path, one carrying a bag and the other in the lead.

Byron ran every day, but this was nothing, this freedom.  He wished he didn’t have to carry his clothes, because he really would want to feel the wind in his face.  He wanted to laugh with glee at the freedom to run.

Gev cut into the woods and Byron followed, keeping pace.  <You’re doing good, pup,> Byron heard and felt the pride over the link.

<This is fun!>

Gev let out a howl, and Byron would have loved to answer, if he knew he wouldn’t drop his clothes.  They ran for a while, and then broke out of the woods and into a pasture.  Gev ran through the pastures, avoiding the sheep not too far away.  <Do not scare the shepherd.>

Byron pulled up alongside Gev, who slowed down to a trot, heading toward a barn.  Byron smelled something like bacon, bread, meat, horse, hay, and manure.  His sensitive nose tickled with all the smells all at once.

Gev stopped behind the barn, and nodded to him.  He changed, and Byron dropped the bag, changing himself.  He took longer than Gev, and had a longer recovery time, but Gev was patient and let him get his clothes on.  “I will teach you how to change so that your clothes remain on you.”

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