True Blood

He was in her dreams.

All she could think about was him.  Julie MacIntosh had moved back home to Victor, Alabama, four months ago.  She’d hooked up with her high-school sweetheart James, and both of them were talking engagement.  But first, she was told, she had to get rid of the tattoo.

In her college years, she had a tattoo put on, two small black holes and a drop of blood dripping from one of them.  It was part of a sorority/fraternity called The Bitten.  She’d met so many interesting people there, and the drugs, the nights she got high, were all worth it.

Then the owner said that he would make her even better in school if she desired it, but they would need to share a bond of blood.  She offered hers, and he offered his – which tasted like the most exquisite chocolate she’d ever had in her life.  She fell in love with him.

Her college years were over, and she promised to move back home to help her aunt’s veterinary practice.  Before she left, she went to see him, the owner of the bar – the Boss.  She begged that he come to stay with her, but he coudn’t.  Too many obligations here in Paragon, he said.  He had the bar, and the people who were his employees and who also shared a bond of blood.

She didn’t care.  She wanted him, even over James, who was the most caring, gentle, and boring lover she’d ever had.  He was nothing like the Boss.

Julie needed to see him again, one last time before James proposed, put the ring on her finger and claimed her as his.  Maybe if she told him that she was going to be engaged, maybe then he’d come and rescue her from this soon-to-be mundane existence.  She didn’t want to be a veterinary assistant.  She didn’t want to marry James and live in the country, have 2.5 children with the house with the white picket fence and the dogs running in the yard, as they drove vans back and forth to soccer practice and she would bake cookies for the school bake sales every so often.  She wanted him, the excitement, the drugs, the sex, the clubbing with the girls and guys, the city by night.

She made up a funny excuse saying she was going to spend one weekend with the old sorority girls.  She’d remove the tatt when she got back, she promised.  Then, before James could question her, she was on a direct flight on Southwest right to Paragon City.

Julie got into the bar named The Rack.  Many new people had been hired.  The music was the same on this Friday night, and she had dressed to the nines, with a tight mini-miniskirt that looked more like a sash and a corset that lifted her breasts so they were nearly hanging out of it.  She wore her four-inch fuck-me boots, and teased her hair, putting temporary pink and blue glitter in.  She knew what she looked like.

As soon as she walked into the place, she tried to turn on the charm that she used to have a mere four months ago.  Men looked her over, and some lingered, but it wasn’t like before, where they would stare at her, their tongues nearly hanging out of their mouths.  But she had reserved herself only for VIP’s, and some of them were awesome too.  None, none at all, were like the Boss.

She saw Anilia there, and skirted by her, hoping she wasn’t seen.  Anilia had her own pack of admirers, and she ate it up like candy.  Julie wouldn’t dare try to invade her turf.  Rumor had it that Anilia and the Boss had something going on together, and if anyone made Anilia upset, the Boss would make them pay.

Julie moved out onto the dance floor and started moving with the music.  Another young man joined her.  “Hey!” he called to her.

Julie only smiled, and her eyes roamed the building.  She danced away from him, and went to the bar.  Like a puppy, the young man followed her.

Then she saw him.  He was standing in his usual spot, by the statues leading to the VIP section.  He wore a bouncer’s uniform, which meant he was working.  That didn’t matter.  She almost ran across the floor to him, but the boots weren’t conducive to that.

Julie stood just off to the side of him, and he turned.  He saw her, and smiled – he smiled at her!  Her heart leapt.  Maybe, maybe this time…

He came over to her and stood next to her, then bent and said to her in his deep voice, “What brings you here?”

“You!” she said, her eyes bright with happiness.

He looked her over.  “I thought you graduated.”

“I want to see you again.”

He shook his head.

Her plans were dashed at that moment.  No, he can’t be saying no.  She pulled out the big card.  “I’m going to be getting married.”

“Good for you,” he said.

She knew she looked crestfallen and almost ready to cry.  He tilted his head sideways.  “Julie, Julie – it’s better if you forget about me–”

She threw her arms around him and started to bawl.  He stiffened, and then slowly put his arms around her.  “Julie,” he murmured.

Finally, she stopped, and looked at him.  She didn’t care about her makeup rubbing off on his shirt, and now that she looked like she had cried her eyes out – which she had.  “One…” she sniffled, “One more time?”

“I can’t give you my blood anymore.”

“One more,” she practically would throw herself at his feet if she had to.  “My hotel.”

He looked up, thinking, and then sighed.  He looked down at her.  “Give me an hour.  Which hotel?”

She gave him the hotel name and her room.  It was in Independence Port.  He nodded, and turned back to his spot.

She headed back to her hotel, smiling, and thinking about plan B, since plan A didn’t work.


One hour turned into two, which turned into three.  Everything was ready for him.  Wine chilled in the bucket.  Two plastic champagne glasses with wine were on the counter.  Julie sat on the edge of the bed, wearing only a robe and those boots.

Then, the knock came, just as she was starting to doze.  She woke up immediately and ran the three steps to the door, throwing it open, and throwing herself on whoever stood there.

It was him, and she locked her lips onto his, dragging him into the room.  She kicked shut the door and didn’t let him go.

Finally, she had to come up for air, and he immediately said, “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

She stepped away from him, and parted her robe, letting it fall to the floor.  Naked, she then pressed herself against him.  “One last good solid fuck, from a hot man who knows what he’s doing, before I get stuck with a redneck for a husband.”

He sighed, and let himself be led to the bed.  She stripped him, slow and luxurious, and lay him on the bed.  She climbed on top of him and started to straddle him, moving him against her, bringing her to one quick orgasm.  She didn’t stop there, moving again to have him slip inside her.

He sighed again, this time in pleasure, and put his hands on her waist.  Using her legs she raised herself up and crashed down, riding him relentlessly.  She had another orgasm in the middle, and paused, leaning over him.  “Let me stay,” she said.  “I’ll serve you.”

“No,” he said firmly, his hands caressing her sides.  “You have to leave.”

Her hand moved under the pillow, and she kissed him hard.  Then, with all her strength, she shoved something against his side, between his ribs, piercing his heart.

He froze.

She looked at the wound, at the blood forming around it, and dipped her finger into it.  She tasted it, and moaned at the exquisite taste.  She rode him to another orgasm, but he was starting to get smaller, and slipped out of her.

Julie climbed down and started sucking on the blood at the wound, licking around it, drinking as best as she could.  The taste was wonderful, better than anything she’d ever had.  She moved the stake around to get more blood to pour out of the wound, and she would drink.

She knelt there for she didn’t know how long, and then finally got up, when the blood had slowed to a trickle.  He would regenerate more blood, she thought.  She looked at his eyes, that had turned translucent, eyes that stared at nothing.  Had she killed him?

Julie put her hand to her mouth, and her stomach roiled.  Had she?

She ran into the bathroom, throwing up the blood she had drank.  In the haze of the action, she thought she heard someone banging on the door.  She flushed the toilet, yelled “Coming!” and threw on the silky robe.  She didn’t realize she still had the fuck-me boots on.

She then yanked the covers up to cover the Boss  – even though there was blood on the sheets – and straightened herself out as best she could before going to the door.  She put the chain on it, and opened it slightly, peeking out.

Standing there was Jack, the head of the bouncers of the Rack and considered one of the Boss’ personal bodyguards.  “Hi, um–”

“Where is he?”

“Sleeping.  We–”

He raised a foot and kicked the door in easily.  Julie went sprawling onto the floor, as he stormed into the room.  He saw the shape under the covers.  “Shit, what the fuck did you do, bitch?”

He slammed shut the door and went right past her to the bed.  He threw off the covers and looked at him.

Meanwhile, Julie knew what to do, and started sneaking toward the door.

Jack turned around and grabbed her savagely by her hair.  She opened her mouth to scream but he slapped her so hard she saw stars.  “You fucking bitch.  I should beat you within an inch of your goddamn life!”

“Don’t hurt me!” she screamed.

He threw her to the floor and kicked her in the ribs.  He wore steel-toed boots, she found out, as he cracked her ribs.

Someone was banging on the door.  “What’s going on in there!”

“I’m being raped!” Julie yelled.

“Cunt!” Jack growled and kicked her again.  She lay whimpering on the floor as the banging got more earnest.

Jack picked up his Boss, careful about the wound.  Sunlight was an hour away and he only had his bike.  He went over to the balcony, noticed the drop really wasn’t that bad.

When he landed, he felt his leg buckle, and the pain shot up it.  He had broken it.  He took a moment to concentrate on the blood like Bomber had taught him, and it healed enough so that it could carry him and Bomber.  Jack knew that Ink lived not too far from here, and it would be a good enough place to stay until he could get some feeders for Bomber once that stake was out.

Jack knew that once he woke up, Bomber would be famished and pissed, in that order.

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